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Support our mission to save lives and prevent accidents. Join us today!

Members make a powerful difference in creating a safer, smarter world. Affiliate, Associate, and Sponsor level memberships provide non-utility businesses and individuals who share our mission the opportunity to partner with our diverse and dynamic organization that includes hundreds of electric utilities across the country.

There are a range of membership levels from which to choose that provide various options for discounts and for enhancing your organization’s visibility within the electric utility industry. In addition, membership dues qualify as a tax-deductible donation. We welcome you to join us—working with utilities and other energy service providers to raise awareness on vital electrical safety, efficiency, and renewable energy issues!

Safe Electricity is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 organization. Contributions made are tax-deductible.

Companies that generate, transmit, and/or distribute electricity are defined as Class 1 members. Educational Institutions are defined as Class 2 members. Class 3 members are all other members who are not included in Classes 1 or 2. Associate, affiliate, and sponsorship opportunities are only available for Class 3. For more information on becoming a Class 1 member, click here for membership information. For more information on becoming a Class 2 member, email us at info@safeelectricity.org