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Stop Energy Vampires And Save Money

Phantom DrawYou may have energy vampires in your home stealing money from you right now. Some electronics draw power from the outlet and money from your wallet, even when they are turned off. They go into standby mode, which uses electricity for features like displays and remote controls.

There are many household appliances that constantly use energy including: televisions, computers, microwaves, DVD players, cable boxes with DVR, cell phone chargers, printers, and game consoles.

Safe Electricity has advice to help you put a stop to energy vampires in your home:

  • Unplug electronics that you are not using.
  • If you have a room that you do not use regularly, plug electronics into a power strip, and turn off the power strip when items are not in use. Power strips can also be useful in areas where there is a large concentration of electronics like in an office or an entertainment system.
  • Purchase smart power strips for your computers and televisions. These devices sense when the computer or television is sleeping or off. The smart strip cuts off power to related electronics, such as DVD players, video game consoles, and printers.
  • Buy low-standby products. Most Energy Star endorsed products draw smaller than average amounts of electricity when turned off.
  • Avoid electronics with extra features that you do not need as these might use more energy.