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Trees & Power Lines

 “A Life Cut Short”


Tiffany Pagel and her sister Holly were climbing a tree near their home when the unimaginable happened. A power line was running through the tree the girls were climbing and 9-year-old Tiffany reached up and grabbed a hold of a power line. Holly recounts that day in the tree: “I was sitting on the same tree limb that she was sitting on. Both of her hands were clamped onto it and I was kind of facing towards her… I just remember her shaking a lot (and her) eyes rolling in the back of her head.” Holly also recalls looking down to see something no one should have to witness: smoke coming from her sister’s legs. The Pagel family lost Tiffany that day, but wanted to help ensure no other family would have to go through what they did. The family opens up to Safe Electricity in this emotional video about that day in hopes of educating others about the dangers of trees and power lines.

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